
Workshops are research-based and inclusive, with content sourced from specialist courses, and Institutions who are leaders in their field both nationally and internationally. Workshops are age-appropriate, interactive and content is processed through presentation, discussion, small group work.

Workshops are available online or in person. The topics covered include:

  • Consent & Healthy Relationships
  • Puberty and Adolescent Sexual Development
  • Gender Identity, Orientation & Expression
  • Interpersonal Violence
  • Sexual Health
  • Porn Literacy
  • Image based sexual abuse
  • Challenging the culture of sexual violence

Workshops are bespoke to meet the needs of the learning environment. For example, a series of workshops facilitated for staff at a third level institution following the findings of the ‘Sexual Experiences Survey, 2020’ and the HEI’s response to implement a framework ‘Promoting consent and preventing sexual violence’.

A series of workshops were created on “Challenging the culture of sexual violence”, and were delivered in collaboration with Deirdre Betson, SHAREIreland.  

Sample of the content delivered to staff:
  • Prevalence of sexual violence in Irish third level HEI’s
  • Understanding of the concept of consent
  • Sexual violence in the context of the law
  • Sexual harassment in society and workplace experiences
  • Incident and experiences, minority groups
  • Sexual misconduct in third level institutions

  • How power imbalance contributes to the ‘invisibility of sexual misconduct’
  • Psycho-social and physical impacts of sexual violence
  • Awareness of rape myths and personal bias
  • Disclosure training
  • Barriers to reporting

Participants experiences of the workshops:

Insightful, empowered, motivated to initiate change, made abstract concepts real, enjoyable learning process, awareness of harassment behaviours. 

Please email for further information